Old Dog

You know when a family has an Old Dog, and then they get a New Puppy. New Puppy gets all the attention, and Old Dog is miserable and alone.

This is what's happening between me and my best friend.

I'll call him D.

D got the number of a scene bi boy, from a scene girl he met named M. D became fast friends with M because, well, I don't know. But he's like, obsessed with her. And he's now like best friends with this girl, B, who is the best friend of his bitch ex-girlfriend.

Basically, he went to the mall with M and the group of "scene-ster mall rats" and is now "best friends" with all of them.

I have been his fucking best friend for a while now. He's basically infatuated with his "shiny new scene friends," and he's leaving me behind.

D, I have trusted you and you have trusted me. My family took you in many times, paid for food for you, and, fuck. Who was it that came to your house when you broke down? Who has tried to be there for you as much as possible? If you behave like a douche and forget me for those people, you're going to regret it. They're fake, and will hurt you. And I won't be there to catch you when you fall. Remember who your real best friend is.

Think fucking carefully.
August 7th, 2010 at 09:08pm