Computer Class.... My boring, but easy A

Apparently, computer class is a requisite in the university (go figure). Well, I was pretty excited at first. Thinking I was gonna learn something new, like....programming or designing or something along those lines. Man...was I wrong.

I have learned nothing! Last Thursday the professor literally went one by one through each and every feature available in Word. Yesterday we went to the library to take a VIRTUAL tour of said library, and then today I got to leave super early because I finished my work real fast.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for an easy A. But I would like to be challenged a bit. Not sit in the classroom, listening to music and just wait for class to be over. Thank God I'm taking it 2 weeks and I don't have to endure it all semester.

Do you guys have a class that's a boring, easy A? Do you love it? Hate it? Tell me about it!

(>^_^)> *huggz*
August 8th, 2010 at 05:29am