Quinn's lonely pimpag points.

No one is here. My parents are sleeping and my sister is at a friends house. I'm all lonely. I'm usually not the last one awake but I want to watch bleach at which started at one and I woke up really late so I'm not tired.

Ever had a guy friend that your parents where really paranoid about? Well my dad is really paranoid about Quinn. Who I've known sens I was 5. He says that he's going to rape me. Right. I can't imagine Quinn having sex, even if I wanted to. I mean, he's just not......yeah. But, if I really think about it, the only way he would ever get some is if he did rape someone.

I was talking to a friend earlier and I forgot what we where talking about but I somewhere in there said "conform to originality." And my friend DJ said that I just earned some major pimpag points. And this question has been bugging me: what are pimpag points?
I've come to this conclusion. Pimpage points are for in case I ever become a pimp my pimpag points will get me half off at the whore store. Not that I'd ever become a pimp, I mean I'd have to find some whoes, get someone to take them, a place for them to stay, and learn how to bitch slap. And that's just to much work.
Plus, I'm still planing on going to china
August 8th, 2010 at 07:04am