I need a job...

One question....
How does anyone expect to get a job around here, if every single place asks for someone with experience?
"I need an experienced waitress....an experienced cashier.....and experienced toilet scrubber!"
I get it. They want to ensure that the job is well done. But....who's to say that a young, inexperienced person won't be just as good at it?
Sure, sure. Lots of people just end up lying on their resumes. Saying they've worked in 8 other companies, when really, they haven't done a days work in their lives. And you wanna know the best part? ...... Those are the people that get the jobs!
I just started the university! I need money for gas, books, projects, etc! And all these amazing managers are giving jobs to older people who don't need the money but just want to get out of their houses for a few hours.
I don't mean to sound bitter or anything like that. I just want to be given the chance. Let me prove myself, let me show that I'm a hard worker, let me get some freakin' experience!!!!!

Anyone else share my feelings? Have any experiences to share? Tell me about it!

(>^_^)> *huggz*
August 8th, 2010 at 06:37pm