Well... me.

I'm me, and nobody can take that away from me. When I have nobody else to turn to in the world, i have myself, who i can trust.

Now, don't take me wrong. I'm not person with no friends, no. I have friends of course, but sometimes there's just absolutely NO ONE to turn to, no matter what the situation.

So, if you've ever seen me in school, which you probably haven't, you'd know that i'm not afraid to express myself. There's no use in hiding in a shell all your life... especially Middle School. This is the place where you (should) be able to let go. If you hide away in Middle School, then no one will know who you really are. And that's what I'm all about.

Sure, I've taken a few harsh names. Lesbian, for one. This is entirely not true. I have no sexual attraction to girls WHATSOEVER. Just to get that out. Weirdo, is another. But just so you know, I'm PROUD of this name. Being weird is WHO I AM. So I couldn't care less if someone were to call me that. Calling me something that i am not, now THAT pisses me off.

So, I guess what i'm tring to say is that you can call me whatever you want, shoot me down, or even help to lift me back up... but nobody, absolutely NOBODY, can rain on my freak show. <3
August 8th, 2010 at 11:19pm