Warning:if you don't want spoilers for my story,DO NOT READ.

Ok so, I have a few possible paths I could take in this story. I could;
1.have Alex find out that his parents never left,and that he'd been lied to.
2.have Jack find Alex's house empty and dusty and confront Alex.
3.have his parents come home and not want him back.
4.have his parents come home,wanting Alex back,but Alex doesn't want to go back.(there would be about 5 chapters between now and options 3 or 4,but 1 or 2 could happen in the next couple chapters)
or I could do something totally different.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Because I really just don't know at this point.
If you read my fic,I'd really appreciate your input.
August 9th, 2010 at 06:36am