Judgemental people.

Not one person can sayhey don't judge people by how they look. At least not at first. As much as I hate it and try to stop myself from doing it, I still judge a book by it's cover. At least until I actually hold a conversation with said person.

I know a few people who won't even talk to certain people based on the way they look. They havn't said a word to eachother and they are immediately wary. Personally, I've never been that bad. I talk to everyone, it's just my personality. That's not to say that I'm not as hesitant around certain people, but I've never not talked to someone just because they look a certain way.

In my family we are all very very conservative. We all have been taught at a young age not to dress or act outlandishly. I wen to the mall with my mom for school shopping last year an wanted to go in Hot Topic. She was absolutely apalled.

Tattoos are a nono, as are facial and naval piercings. Basically, in my family your supposed to blend in, stick out only in the way you speak and your general intelligence. Personally, I'm not near as judgemental as the rest of my family. My dad nearly had a heart attack when my brother got his earlobes pierced.

In the past, I had a boyfriend with snakebites, skinnyjeans and band tee's. I had subconciouslly tried to form to his image but thankfully, my family held me back from doing so. I would be really pissed at myself if I had changed just for a guy. That's not to say that I don't form to my family's image.

On the inside I'm so much different. On the outside, I'm well put together and speak with eloquence. I don't show emotion and I'm collected. I don't let things effect me. I'm intelligent and the "perfect" student.

On the inside, I'm quirky, odd, funny, strange, sad, and have absolutely no clue how I'm going to make it in life. I'm angry at my family and the way things are. I'm too mature. I dislike who I am on the inside out.

I guess the whole purpose of this was to try to get people, as well as myself, to stop yourself from judging before you actually hold a conversation and get to know the person.
August 9th, 2010 at 08:53am