God, writers block please go away.

...Especially when I have to give my story to a contest on Sunday. It's eating me up D: I do enjoy writing in the 30 day challenge thing, though, which by the way mine is called Thirty Times in case you want to check it out.

I hate when people don't think that teenagers are going through a hard time, especially when they were teenagers once. We go through some of the hardest sh*t. Not even lying, alright? Just had to get that out.

Questions, because they're fun :3
1. Read any good books lately?
2. Some great musicians?
3. Ever seen Silent Hill?
4. Will Ferrell is hilarious, is he not?
5. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
6. Do you like Target clothes? Hahah.
August 9th, 2010 at 08:29pm