My Proposal

This is Before he proposed with the ring...... yes he proposed twice..... ^.^

Honey: God baby i love you so much i will give up everything just to be with you just to have you go my arms baby you are my world my life my everything baby yo
Honey: u are a part of me now and forever nothing will change that i will never leave you i cant im nothing without you i have nothing without you i love you baby and you are the one i want to spend the rest of my life with the one i want next to me every min of my life baby i love you now and forever baby i just want to spend the rest of my life with you go my arms
(I love you Shayne baby you are my life)
F&A SJP: honey...If i could speed up time until we can spend everyday togethr, i would. I can't til i can walk down the aisle and say i do. Til we can go home
F&A SJP: and fall asleep together on the couch or in bed. You are my world, the center of my universe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you there by m
F&A SJP: y side. Together we can do anything and go anywhere. You complete my life and make me whole again, not healed but like there was no wound in the firs
F&A SJP: t place. i want nothing more than to fall asleep in your arms, you being the last person i see and night andthe first i see in the morning. I love yo
F&A SJP: forever and always shayne and john peace.
Honey: Baby i love you
(I love you Shayne baby you are my life)
F&A SJP: i love you too
Honey: Nothing will chang that. Baby i cant wait till it is shayne and john peace
(I love you Shayne baby you are my life)
F&A SJP: just because the papers dont say, doesn't mean it isn't already. nothing can it more official than it already is.
Honey: baby i love how you make me feel.
(I love you Shayne baby you are my life)
F&A SJP: And i love that i make you feel that way
Honey: Will you marrie me baby
(I love you Shayne baby you are my life)
F&A SJP: yes honey i will.
August 9th, 2010 at 09:27pm