Because I miss you...

I know this probably doesn't matter to a lot of people, but this is just a way to ventilate what I'm feeling. Honestly i feel like maybe some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together and i know it sound weird but it makes sense.

I'm not that kind of person to go around telling people how sad I am that you just broke up with me, but the kind of person who waves it off and simply says "I don't care, I'm fine." I know that if i tell myself i am okay, I'll believe it because that just the kind of person I am.I'm not the girl who runs up to you when I see you and I'm not the girl who jumps at every moment to talk to you. I am the girl who keeps it all inside and regrets it later.

I don't blame you, I know you had a lot of things to worry about and maybe I was just a complication in the way of all your problems. I dint want prince charming and i dint want a love story like you see in movies, i just wanted someone to rely on. Someone to care about and listen too when he needs to talk.

To me it seems when you want someone, they don't want you. and when someone wants you,
you don't want them. and when you both want each other, something has to come around and mess it up.

& truth be told, I don't know what tomorrow will bring, all I wish is that I'll have a smile on my face and you by my side.
August 10th, 2010 at 10:03pm