What is love?

I just feel like babbling right now. What makes love so powerful? It's like we always love what's not good for us. Love to me is loving someone more then you love yourself. You know them. You know everything that makes them perfect and imperfect, and that knowledge makes you love them more. Love is the most beautiful thing that you can't even see. It's so special and close to the heart. People will spend forever searching for love, and go to great lengths to find it. Lives have ended through love, and lives have began.

I'm personally afraid of love. I loved someone, and he was one of the most terrible people in the whole world. I swear he wasn't like that when I first started loving him, but as soon as he became aware of my feelings; he literally took control of me. Love turns people into monsters. It gives people control over someone else, and the other party is defenseless. How do you stop from loving someone? Is it possible? It doesn't seem that way. No matter what that person does, you always seem to find a way to love them and forget about it. Love is loving someones flaws.

But sometimes you have to learn to love what's good for you.

Agree? Disagree? What is love to you?
August 12th, 2010 at 06:06am