Big Boobs, Lesbians and Skanky Old Men

So wow. I have fucking big boobs. Like I don't want to be one of those people who is like, "And OMG my boobs grew like, half a half of a half of a inch." But I'm 13. Not fat but not anorexic skinny. And I'm a 36D. I have bigger boobs than my sister who's 24. I feel so fucking self-conscious.

Anyways, my life is a fucking mixture of feelings right now. I don't want to be mean to bi-polar people but I'm like fucking bi-polar girl lately. During the day I'm always fucking pissed but at night I'm like high (without being high) and giddy.

I'm missing my shows too!!!! Like Degrassi:The Next Generation, Pretty Little Liars, and it pisses me off too.

I have one HUGE problem though. My (ex) friend Sierra started spreading rumors that I'm a lesbian and sold my virginity online to some skanky old man and people are believing her. I mean I know I'm not popular but REALLY people? Really?

First off, I am strictly dick-ly. I have nothing against gays but I get pretty defensive when some one tells me I'm fucking gay.

Second off, I'm still a fucking lip virgin. I have never been kissed and I honestly don't feel safe online after telling people I'll meet with them. I am. Cause I'm thinking 'Dude I bet they fucking traced my computer and are going to come rape me.......' I know they can't unless they're really creepy but that's what I always think after I think of meeting some one. Yes I'm a paranoid little girl.

And Third off, the people that do believe her are fucking retarded. I know my clothes weren't exactly fitting last year because my mother was a bitch and kept me shopping in the Kid's section but I'm not a fucking skank.

Thanks for listening to my rant and any advice on any of this is extremely welcome unless you tell me I'm stupid of I shouldn't swear so much. But check my other journals, I usually don't. I'm sure you would if this happened to you.

Again thanks for listening!
August 12th, 2010 at 07:10am