Ever had a really strange dream? One that made you scared? I have, just this once :(

Okay, so I woke up about half an hour ago. I don't usually have nightmares, weird dreams, yes, but not nightmares.
In the dream I was basically going to school, but I could already feel that something was off about it.
When we got there, it was were my old school was, the fencing was the same, but the buildings weren't.
When I made my way through the gate, it somehow turned into my primary school.Which was weird. Seriously. And I knew almost everyone there, they were all in my school now, but not all of them went to that school.
I found my one of my closest friends in the yard but while I was looking for her, everybody I past, would turn and stare at me with this sick smile. I started panicking saying "Why are we at our old primary school?" And she'd reply "We're not, what's wrong" And I started freaking out more saying "Alex I can't see, why can't I see, Alex I'm scared I think I'm blind but I'm not!" Freaky sentence structure right?
And there was this small-ish wall around the yard and there was a small gap where everyone used to run around. And I could see someone round there, at first it looked like kids and stuff, but when I looked more closer it was like a hunched figure.
My friend start talking to me, saying I hadn't registered yet and that I needed to have my time table and stuff. The registering thing was weird, but other than that I was okay.
When we reach the office, Of my old secondary school :S, this bitch I hate who happens to be best friends with my friend suddenly appears beside me. Out of nowhere!
All the secretary's are just going around getting stuff together for me and this bitch is staring at me like everyone else was before, all sick twisted like. They she starts somehow hurting me, with anything she can get her hands on, digging them into my skin and actually fuckin' enjoying it.
The secretary keeps handing me papers that mean nothing, just filled with little boxes where I'm supposed to put my freakin' name! And the bitch keeps at it.
Then my friend takes me out of the office, and the bitch disapears! Into thin air!
But then, so does my friend.
In her place appear one of my other closest friends who is like a brother to me and someone I don't know, but seems friendly.
The whole place has changed.
It now looks like a huge indoor market filled with those little display things at a fair or amusement park. All with blue covering and stuff, everything blue. Even the floor was a shade of blue!
Then there was this army guy marching around and he'd walk with his soldiers up to some random person and start screaming at them about stealing something, then he would somehow open up a huge hole in the floor and the person would fall in...With this huge scary looking killer worm. They'd start yelling and stuff and then the hole would close over and open again, and there hat would, like, float, as if it was on water, down to rest beside he worm. Then the guy would just walk off.
People are still staring.
We walk through this market thing and out onto some grass field with a huge building that looks like a university or something behind us.
Out on the grass, everyone is staring again. Just openly staring straight at me. It was really freaking me out.
Then random people would come up to me and they'd be like the bitch was, slashing me with things but never actually cutting or hurting me. Which was also strange. And they all looked like complete maniacs! All looking like they really enjoyed hurting me, enjoyed watching me bleed and scream. They were all bloody demented.
Then somehow me and the two people I was with were randomly back where we started, but if we walked straight forward the place was different, like we were in a different part of the market looking place.
And when we did walk forward we walked into empty space, the market was still around us but where we were was just concrete and nothing else.
Then that army guy and his soldiers were there and started yelling at us about stealing rice balls! I mean WTF?
They started searching through the bags that my friend and the other guy had and all they found was like mountains of rice....no rice balls. They didn't even bother checking me, as if I wasn't there!
The I was suddenly beside them and a hole opened up underneath my friend and the guy, they fell down and just like the other people, there were two evil worm things down there.
The two started screaming for help, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't move.
The hole closed up and when it opened a red cap was floating down to where the worms were, but neither of them had been wearing a red cap :S
But then the dream just stopped. Dead.
And I was finally able to open my eyes. It's still really freaking me out, and I don't know why, all those people staring at me, is still having an affect on me now. And that hunched figure is just sticking at the front of my mind :/
It's kind of scaring me :(
But I had to tell somebody about, so why not Mibba?
Thanks for bothering to read :(
August 12th, 2010 at 01:34pm