You have no journal entries.

You fail.


Well, hello there.
I am currently sitting happily in my room being happy and dramatically singing to 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies'. Yay! [It's taken me, like, three quarters of a year to write a journal, I feel proud.]
This morning, my Dad went on holiday for two days with his girlfriend, so I'm stuck with my brother. I didn't even know he was going. His excuse?

"You wouldn't care anyway, you'd be up in your room on your computer."

Anyway! Yes, indeedy. I have rhubarb and custard sweets. Mmm.


Oh, has anybody else seen 'The Last Airbender' yet? What did you think...? I thought it was baaad acting. It's just like they picked up some random kid who could do karate and called him Aang. And Jackson Rathbone as Sokka? Sokka is meant to be happy and funny and completely weird! And, I couldn't see Zuko's scar much...
Ehh, I guess it's just because I've watched the anime and I know what they're meant to be like. Oh well.
If they make another one, however, I can't wait 'til they show Toph. 8')

Anyway, ramble over. Needed something to do, etc.
I shall continue doing random things for the rest of the day.

Au revoir!

-Rachel :')
August 12th, 2010 at 02:01pm