I need a little help

Okay so I'm writing a novel and part of the novel entails having the character "wake up" in a different world than the one she knew as a creature from that world. I have to introduce this whole magic system that she suposidly already knows and I was wondering how I should do it.

I was thinking she would have amnesia...but that would be a total cop out
Since she had trouble in her preivious world I thought she would lie and have amnesia, but I tried it and it didn't work out well.

I NEED HELP!!! Send me your ideas, any of them, comment or send me a message whatever, if you have any questions send them my way and I'll be sure to resend this journal entry.

PLEASE!! Because of this I am now on pause, I cannot continue this novel until this problem is solved (Its a formatting and personal thing, don't ask) Please I need all the responses I can get.
August 12th, 2010 at 09:28pm