Eliza Cuts pregnant!

Okay, I know that that isn't true! lol! Just wanted to get your attention!
Everything that XxmushroomxX just said, listen to it!!!
I am the co-author of "How it All Started" and so I second what he said!
We need comments! We need help! If you want us to change something to make the story better, tell us!!
Type, type, type, CLICK! That is all it takes to comment!
If you don't like the story, tell us!
typety, typety, typety, CLICK!!! Simple!
If you just want to tell us about how wonderful the story us (I know we will get a lot of those!) then COMMENT!!!
*snaps fingers*
Hahaha! I wish it was that easy! Like the Easy button!
But you know how easy it is!!!! So just comment us!


June 11th, 2007 at 02:25am