A question answered (advice on people hitting on your bf/gf and how to handle it)

So my friend had messaged me one day asking about how you can get a girl to stop hitting on your boyfriend. I gave her some advice and it worked, so I gave this advice to a lot of people and they all liked it or it had side effects. Those side effects were not bad though. I thought that if that many girls that live by me needed that advice then maybe other girls do too. I have been told that I am a wonderful advice giver and I do research to help as long as my own stuff. Though I am only fourteen I have been through way too much and I have watched people go through too much. I have realized that this advice can go towards boys and girls so feel free to read away. (:

I was rambling, sorry. Back to the advice there is many things you can do in that place. Most girls jump to just telling the girl to back off. DON’T DO THAT! That is one of the worst things you can do at that point. Doing that can start a lot of drama, that can be avoided. For boys you can tell the guy to back off at first but if you are going to do that stay focused on not being aggressive. I will explain why later.

Remember these simple rules; stay calm, breath, find something to focus on until you get a chance to talk to your boyfriend/ girlfriend. Yes, I said talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s not the same for guys to tell another guy to back off their girl because boys are not as nasty and vicious as girls. Guys will usually listen but girl there is about an 85%- 90% that they will keep doing what they are doing. So talking to your boyfriend/ girlfriend can stop things, by talking to them you can explain how the way this person is acting around them is bothering you. Stay calm when you do this or you will possibly annoy them or push them away.

I found this out the hard way. I told a girl to back off and she went to my boyfriend and started stuff and when I talked to him about it he was upset about it all and left me. You don’t want this to happen so be cool about it all. The next time it happened I went to my boyfriend, told him about how I felt about it all, he told me that he respected the way I felt. I then asked him to ask her HIMSELF to tell her to back off. By him telling this girl to stop showed how much he cared for me enough to end it. This can work both ways as well.

Okay, boys I said earlier that if you are going to confront another guy and tell him to back off your girl you need to not be aggressive. So no “if you don’t stop I will pound your face in”. It may seem like it works but it does not. Sorry to burst that bubble. I have watched it happen many times. A guy friend told another guy to back off by threats. The guy didn’t stop and continued to hit on her and it got worse the more he threatened. It happened again and again with different people I know. You may not agree with me and that’s okay I didn’t say that you need to use this.

Another reason not to get aggressive; say this guy is a tattle tale and goes and tells your girl about it and she gets mad at you for being that way and starts up drama with you? Or is maybe so upset she dumps you? Not things you want to happen, talking to her will save a lot of time and hopefully cut down drama.

I hope this works for you and if you have any questions comment to me them. If you have anything you would like advice on please message me them. I am here to help.
August 13th, 2010 at 07:03am