Subscription-worthy Stories: Dear Whoever

Subscription-worthy Stories

Title: Dear Whoever
Current Star Rating: Four.
Rating: PG – parental guidance suggested
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Most Recent Chapter: 39

Excerpt: “I am going to shove his fingers down his throat and out his butt if he doesn’t shut up!” Paige grumbled under her breath. “Come on! You have to slow down!” She yelled. I was going to tell her no, but, soon after she said that, my vision faded so much that I couldn’t see at all. I soon stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. And my legs caved in under me. I fell in the middle of the track. I heard Paige gasp. And some voices. One sounded like Tenor saying , ‘Out of the way! Out of the way!’ and then followed by a softer comment by him that sounded like, ‘Oh god I am so fired’. But I didn’t hear anything after that. After that, I closed my eyes and my vision went totally black.

* * * * *

The next thing I knew I could feel something sort of soft, but it felt like the lining of a car. And something that felt like paper. My head hurt. And so did my legs. But I was breathing okay. So I opened my eyes. I recognized the sick room in the nurse’s office. I sat up but as I sat up my head hurt more. I looked over to the side. And next to the bed were a couple chairs. But that’s not what made me want to pass out again. Teagan was in one of the chairs staring at me. Oh crap.

Sometimes you’re just in the mood to read something cute… well, I suppose I can’t speak for you, but sometimes I just want to read something cute. I’m a sucker for chick-flicks; anyone who knows me will tell you that. But anyone can see that the same plots are being used again and again and both stories and movies are becoming way too predictable. I’ll admit I still read them for the mindless entertainment they often provide, but it would appear if I want to read a chick-flick that isn’t quite so mindless, I’m out of luck.

Dear Whoever is the story of fifteen-year-old Emerald. She’s the average teen with the average problems. She’s a pessimist about everything, especially love, and is convinced no guy will ever fall for her. Of course, Emerald will never fall for another guy after Dean got a girlfriend and broke her heart. Until Whoever comes along. Emerald’s secret admirer.

Emerald thinks it’s a joke. It has to be. After all, it is high school. But once she starts exchanging notes with her anonymous admirer, she becomes more and more aware that it isn’t. It isn’t a joke. There’s a guy out there who really does like her. She just has no clue who he is.

Enter Teagan Mitchell. Just another kid at school. Sort of. Emerald finds something about him appealing and falls head-over-heals for him, no matter how much she tries to deny it. Still, she finds herself slowly beginning to like her admirer too. No guy’s ever liked her before. And she knows she’ll have to choose between the two.

That is, if her admirer’s real.
If Teagan likes her.
If she doesn’t completely lose her mind.

I appreciated this story because Emerald is a character that every girl can relate to. Many authors make their characters everything they aren’t. Emerald freaks out when she talks to guys, she gets jealous, and she’s stubborn. In other words, she actually seems human. A lot of times we love characters because they are what we aren’t. I love Emerald because she is what I am.

Guess what? It’s an original story. I love the typical high school stories, and this is one with a cute twist. It has few errors, good voice, and covers both the amusing side and serious side of being a kid in high school. Dear Whoever one of those stories that give girls hope without being crazy or ridiculously cheesy. Besides, I’m allergic to cheese.

I would recommend this: if you’re looking for an easy read with a cute romantic plot.

*Subscription-worthy Stories is a series of journal entries dedicated to recognizing good writers on Mibba who are under recognized. There are so many great authors and many of their works get passed by for one reason or another. If you have suggestions for a story for me to review, message me!*
August 13th, 2010 at 11:20pm