He's my boyfriend and I wish he was just simply a friend :*(

"People say love is strong word, but so is love and people throw it around like it's nothing...."

I'm dating this guy, riiight? Well, at first I wasn't attracted to him but appearantly he liked me, so I gave him a chance. We have a lot in common but I'm still not attracted to him in that way and I think he'd be a better friend than a boyfriend but we're kind of already boyfriend girlfriend.... No we haven't kissed yet but his best friend is going out with my best friend so we see eachother A LOT.... I want to break up with him but he's my first boyfriend and... ahhh I hate it when I hurt peoples feelings and I feel like I'm leading him on.... I hate this. I really do. It's either hurt him or put up with it and not feel happy myself.... Not to mention he's told me he loves me, i want to tell him he can't love me because we're 14/15. But I don't have the heart to tell him that, and it's tearing me apart. No to mention when I was at the school I saw the boy I used to like, and I realized how much I really don't like my boyfriend that way.

How the hell am I supposed to tell him that?!?! UGH! And then I'll end up seeing him every day, and I will feel terrible but at the same time not as bad as I do now....

Has anyone ever felt this way?? Please help me! D: PLEASE!!! i beseech you :(
August 14th, 2010 at 03:16am