Kingdom Hearts!

Hi megan here..
and i just want the world to know.
that i am a KINGDOM HEARTS ADDICT!!its so legit
which makes me a nerd..which is pretty tight!!
ummm..and i just wanted to know when "kingdom hearts bbs"
is coming out!!!,,,and i really want final mix!!! XD!!!
i just wanted to spread the the word.."Kingdom" and "Hearts"
i have all the games but final mix and bbs!!!!!

if there are any other people out the that is a super addict then lets be friends!!!
ohh and if you'd like i can draw you in anime form!! or chibi

well i think this is 100 word now
bllaaa bllaaa blaa~!!
ohh and pokemon is legit too!!

who is hotter Roxas or Sora!!??
i vote Roxas!!!..but sora hot in 3D soo..i give him probs

this brings an end to my computer-cast
have a nice day!!!
August 14th, 2010 at 07:25am