Floccinaucinihilipilification. (And questions)

It's a word. Good luck pronouncing it.

Anyway...I had a dream last night. It wasn't a pleasant dream.

It involved me dating my ex-boyfriend for some inconceivable reason, but I was really in love with some REALLY hot guy who was also in the dream. Then my ex figured it out, and let me go so I could date the hot guy. Then my ex proceeded to climb under some giant tower where a bunch of rocks fell on top of him. He died. It was bloody. And I screamed.

My ex and I are not on good terms. I haven't spoken to him in 2 years. Why the HELL am I still dreaming about him? I don't know. I've dreamed about him off and on for the last two years. It's annoying. But in this dream he died...this is definitely the most morbid one I've had about him...

But it's just a dream.

In other news, while writing this journal a nice big cockroach ran across the room. Did you know those things are SUPER FAST? Geez, I was pounding the floor with my shoe hoping it would die already!. But I killed it....using my ninja skillz.


Also, I saw a Shakespeare play today called As You Like It. I sat on the stage with Mattgasm so we got to see the actors up close. They were adorable and the play was adorable and oh my gosh. We even got to participate! We played a bush. It was AWESOME. I'm totally a professional now.

You want my autograph? I played a bush. I had flowers and everything.

Sure, I'll be happy to sign your boobs!


I hope you guys enjoyed reading about my day....here are some questions:

2. What do you think of my....dream situation?
3. Do you like plays? How about musicals? Any favorites?
4. Can you list all of the 50 states in less than 5 minutes? It's fun, you should do it. Right now.
5. What fun things did you do today?

As always...love!
August 14th, 2010 at 08:56am