Evilness >.>

Ello readers [:

I'm gonna type up a.. not so goofy journal. I've been going through my long time friend [ We'll call her C ] practically that changed for the worse and forgotten her old true friend, Me.. and its been on my mind of how evil.. or bitchy ( Trying not to cruse xD ) C has been to me through the years.

I mean, She would calling me stupid, annoying, a bitch and insulted me for stupid and hurtful things. C has caused so much tears and never cared. I went through a really " Emo" [ I say Emo so you have an idea.. I don't like the term however. So don't be mad at me for saying it >_< ] depressing stage in 09.. and you would think a friend for.. ( at the time) 2 years would comfort me. Sadly, that would mean your in a fairytale. As many times I would tell her I'm upset she would tell me to get over my boyfriend for 2 months PLUS I'm a sensitive person so it hurt a lot she wasn't there for me.
C would neglected me for months.. barely thinking of me as a friend, or even talking in one word replies when I would be all " Heyy [: " which would seem bored with me or didn't want to talk to me for like a week.

And many more tears have shed due to her being "honest" when I thought she was a sister to me. And how I told her everything.

I've stopped talking to her but I think back how.. oblivious I was and how.. blind I was. Like a girlfriend in denial of her boyfriend you would see in TV shows..
" No.. he will call.. Its probably the cellphone signal.. or hes busy with his friends"
But its sad how I can't even look at her AIM screen name cuz Anxiety just forms in my chest and thats not good cuz I start being all sad ]: . Trust me..I thought of telling her how evil and heartless she is.. but.. anxiety will come knocking at my door before talking to her.

Sorry about the venting :\
Yes, I have poems on this which I'll type up sooner or later.

August 14th, 2010 at 09:35am