Another journal :) and Comment Swapp and Questions

Hey guys...

I am really hyper because I drank a big thing of Carmel Frapee. :) :) :) :). Have you noticed Mibbians are getting meaner. Everyone in the world is getting meaner and meaner. When you say something back to the meanies they act like they are hurt.

So I learned if you really want to B*tch at someone who was mean to you it's easier to do that by dimming the light, does this acctually work? I also learned that if you want to find dirt on someone take them out where there is lots of lights because that makes it harder for them to lie. Also if you are in lots of light it makes you more accurate of things.

I learned all that in a magazine XD. I took my mom's touch phone and I am looking through pictures! Lol, today I am going to get internet on MY computer so I don't have to use my parents.

Well you are probally here to Comment Swapp so you know which one I want you to comment swap on. The only story I really believe in Villagers. I know probally not alot of people read journal's often sooooo probally not alot of comments on this.

Oh and for a dating tip for girls: More guys answer you on I.M if you don't say whats up but they really answer you when you say how's it going. Also if you take a profile pic of you then they wont talk to you but they will if you put you and something you like on it.

Okay so now that I have told you about all that you just comment about the review and tell me if you will comment swap.

You know what I am going to add questions because I know you guys love answering them :)

1. Do you like Carmel Frapee's?
2.Are you hyper? If you are why?
3.Do you like tea? I do not.
4. What grade are you in?
5. What clothes item is your favorite to wear?
6. Do you think what they wrote in the magazine that I placed up there is true?
7.Are you going to use one of their advice thingy's.
8.Do you fully believe in your self?
9. Okay I know this isn't really a question, name 5 things you like about your self.

Most people don't say beautiful or pretty or something haha.
August 14th, 2010 at 01:05pm