Annnd I'm back!

I could read journals on here all day, I swear I could. But I need to get a start (and finish!) my contest story that's...sort of due today. So I'm going to write a quick journal entry and get my ass into gear.

My god, I can't write two whole sentences without sneezing onto the computer. Most days I wake up feeling like a truck hit me and go into a sneezing fit. Yeah. Allergies. Aren't they wonderful?

I didn't want to do this, but I'm going to have some leftover Pizza Hut pizza. I'm doing so well with my diet. :P

SO. As you can see, I'm back from camping! And I already miss it. Michigan is wonderful. Cool weather and NO MOSQUITOES. Being back in Wisconsin with muggy, humid air and bugs galore has not been fun.

Like I said though, I was able to get some writing done (no reading though, even though I brought along Harry Potter 5). I got a good chunk of chapter twenty for Love Like Cyanide, and most of chapter ten finished of The Aftermath of an Orgasm. I still need to finish both and post them, but it's all good.

I also worked more on setting up the plotline for my new story Synced. It's gonna be a good one. ;)

So, comment swaps. You know what to do. You comment on one of my stories and I sincerely promise to comment on one of yours.

1. Are you having allergies this summer?
2. Did you go camping anywhere this summer, if so, where?
3. I watched a bunch of movies yesterday when I got home - what's the last movie you saw?
4. Will you comment swap with me?
August 14th, 2010 at 04:25pm