My dreams are ridiculous.

AH right, here in England everyone in the country aged 16 is sitting around waiting for our GCSE results (a week on tuesday). They're pretty important.
So last night I have this dream where I get my results; I get an F in french (AHHH) and an A* in art (impossible) and an A in history (that may sound good and it is but I know I can get an A* in history, it is the only one I am hoping for). The rest of the results I don't remember much but they were BAD.
Now the dream takes a retarded turn. Because of my bad results I decide to go shoplifting with my friends (NB. I don't ever shoplift I am way too much of a pussy). So we go to Topshop and steal SWEETIES (you know the ridculously expensive ones) not even the lush clothes, we go to Topshop to steal sweets! I got some mini Skittles (don't even know if you can get mini Skittles). Then we're in the changing rooms messing around and the woman comes and accusses me of lifting (but none of my friends) and she finds the Skittles. So I am like crying, I never shoplift but my friends do and I get busted!
So the police come and take me to prison and I am so scared I wake up.

My first thought when I wake up is "Oh my gosh thank god I don't have a criminal record, what uni would take me?!"

lame. it is very lame that my first thought is that. I'm like an adult! D:

LOVE YOU ALL xxxxxxxxx
August 14th, 2010 at 06:25pm