Your venting makes me irritable.

I understand that people ‘have problems’ and ‘need to vent’ — especially during the younger-side of the teenage years — but it bugs the heck out of me. You have it so bad?

First. Take a look at your surroundings. Is one (or more) of your household members a violent alcoholic, prone to rages that might injure another household member? Is one (or more) of your household members abusive? Is the income of the house so low that there is often not enough food to keep everyone fed? If you answered no to any and/or all of these questions, I’m going to assume you have a safe, stable home, where you are provided for.

Second. Are you depressed? Do your feelings of self-loathing (etc.) bring you to a point of suicidal thinking and/or tendencies? Are you angrier (or more sad) than what is considered ‘normal’? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to seek professional help. Trust me, I’ve been there. Medication can work wonders while you’re working things out with a therapist (and your friends will find you not only more personable, but fun to be around).

I guess the main reason this gets to me is because I came from a situation of abuse, and I used to be one of those teenagers. I seriously couldn’t help it. Now? Not only am I happier (thank you, Zoloft), but I’m cutting under my skin (with a therapist) to resolve the issues that are causing my depression. I don’t want to be on medication forever.

My brothers, sadly, still in love in a state of abuse. My mom (barely) has enough money to get them by (food-wise), and can barely pay the bills. Chances are you have a healthy, providing environment, and you take advantage of it.
August 14th, 2010 at 11:01pm