Layout, friends, whoring, and questions. XD

Hello there!

I've made a new layout, again. I think I'm addicted to doing so. This time my obsession is MGMT, which is super ironic since they happen to be performing on Saturday Night Live tonight. AWESOME. I didn't even know that until about ten minutes ago.

On another note, my cat just climbed the wall. No joke, she was about four feet up, and it's drywall. I'm confused, yet amazed.

I'm trying to decide whether or not I should call a friend of mine because we haven't spoken in such a long while. We argued the last time we spoke, but I still miss him. I have a feeling he'll blow me off, which is a little upsetting, but kind of expected. Yet, I don't know if I should call and attempt to make plans. He promised me we'd hang out this summer, and we only have two weeks left to do so. I know it'll be awkward, but I just miss him so much it's ridiculous. So, should I?

Now for a little whoring!

First is my own, called "sexy" by one of my commenters: Practice. It's a Jake Gyllenhaal know you want to read it. :]

Also check out Drown, Clozapine, or Atrocity, which are my three favorite drabbles I've written lately. :]

Now, the winner of my songfic contest: Afflicting Beauty by What A Fancy Room.. This was written so originally that you wouldn't even believe it's a songfic. It's really short, and you won't regret reading it. :]

1. Do you like MGMT?
2. Are you a fan of Saturday Night Live?
3. Do you have any advice for me? Because I'm lost. :/
4. Whore me a one-shot of yours if you'd like. :] I will try to get around to reading it.
August 15th, 2010 at 06:48am