Update Info? I think yes. (:

Hi guys! A journal, wow. Exciting--not. Anyway, this... journal consists of me telling you information about updating my story. :D

No, no, no, no, no. It specifically consists of what I plan to do with the story, and talk of when updates will be coming along. Nothing too traumatizing, correct?

Oh yeah, I will be fixing all her problems at one point in the story, so its no big deal. Problems--now and in the future.


Now... what about what I want this story to be?!

I don't want it to be one of those fluffy fanfics, nor do I want the drama to be over exaggerated. The drama will be sensible, and hopefully understandable--to some point at least.

I want it to be a good story, seeing as how this is my first story that I have been even some what serious able. Yes, it will end with a good and happy ending. But no, I don't plan to do a sequal. I don't think I will ever. Well you know, unless I become an actual author in like 10-15 years.


I think we all know that I am the epitome of never-updating. Well, I guess I could be worse. But I don't do as well as I wished.
Anyway, updating will be at the same speed. But it's possible that if, and when, I begin to REALLY get into the story, the updates will be faster.

How does that sound guys? :)
I hope good.
August 15th, 2010 at 10:44am