I am bothered :( and Swap plus questions


I have given up on the other journal so I will use any journal for you to swap with :)

I am bothered because my brother keeps reapeting 'now can i use the computerrrrrrr' it is really annyoing me. I will not let him use the computer. He is annoying and he keeps making remixes of it and it wont even let me think straight.

So guys how are you doing? It is morning over here lol so it must be pretty late were your at XD I got a haircut! It is a little bit higher than my shoulders yay.

I started a new story, it all started with a baby project. So that is what I want to swap with. Comments are preffered for that one. Sorry for my brother being a d*ckhead. You can also comment on villagers.

My brother is hitting me but it doesnt hurt :D.

1. Do you have an annoying sibbling? (yay he left!)
2.Comment Swap????
3.How are you????
4. Stroppppppper!!!!!!!!!!
five. Do you think your fat? not to tease you or anything.
six. my keys don't work D:
August 15th, 2010 at 10:58am