I feel ashamed to even ask this...

Alright this question is the definition of stupid questions but I can't remember how to do this, it's been so long...

what is the damn code used to put banners in a story?

While someone answers this, I'm going to go ram my head into the wall for not remembering this one teenie tiny simple code. Never have i doubted my computer skills so much in my life.


Well apparently this entry is too short for mibba so I'm going to ramble.

I have a cat..she's the devil in kitty form.
I like the color purple.
I dropped my phone in the subway parking lot last week. The screen is cracked, sniffle, sniffle.
My sister's getting married this coming Saturday and I'm the maid of honor. :D which makes me laugh since she's 10 and a half years older than me and I beat out all of her awesome friends. HA!

alright time to hit submit, oh shit that rhymed...anywho, i hope this is long enough to post now because if it's not, mibba is going to get an ass kicking.
August 16th, 2010 at 12:00am