More thing I hate!

Okay so If your reading this I will forewarn you that you are about to be wasting your time listening to me complain.

Okay so lately I've been pretty disappointed with some of the authors on Mibba Im subscribed to 42 stories and only 3 of them are contently updated! It bothers me, but im not infuriated.

I hate getting a million updates on Facebook about B.S that doesn't include me.
I hate the millions of E-mails I recieve on a daily basis!
I HATE 8:30 AM phone calls! REALLY im a teenager im sleeping!!

Time for my list of things I hate... Re-Vamped

Bieber fever...You can die from it!
One word text messages
The one person you want to talk to not being online
Jersey Shore
The fact that Bob Byar isn't in MCR anymore
Stacie Lynn. JK!

Pretty short list this time :)

Again sorry if you read this
August 16th, 2010 at 08:31am