This journal is not sassy.

I'm bringin' sassy back!

Usually, I'd be all for that ^^ but, I feel like the journals have been one sass attack after the other. Well, not really but bare with me here.

So... I had this really abnormal in-counter with a hobo the other day.
And so the story begins

So my family and I were in DC dropping my brother off at collage, and my dad and I wanted lunch so we went to some burger joint. We were just sitting there eating and this grungy looking man walked in. He creeped over to our table and he leaned in really close to me and my dad and he goes,

"Wanna here a joke?"

Oh my god, I was like sh*ting my pants. I was so scared... for some bizarre reason. It was just really creepy and uncomfortable. Yet I love hobos. :3

....kinda. o.O

In other news

This morning my mom was talking to my friends mom about collage. And my friend's mom was talking about how we're going to be missed when we go to collage. My mom just scoffed and said she will be happy when I leave. Love yeah too ma'. :|

I don't really like dogs (or pancakes or waffles) but all of a sudden I really want a greyhound puppy. They're so adorable. :3

So who thinks this journal was pointless and a waste of your life!?! Raise your hands everyone!

Questions (because we all know that's why you read this)
1. Any crazy hobo stories to share?
2. How's it been?
3. Did you scroll down to the bottom the minute your read this journal to see if there was questions? because that's what I probably would've done

August 18th, 2010 at 12:14am