I couldn't be any happier right now

I really do have everything I could need or even want right now.
A new college course, A new job, and the same boyfriend but I love him very very much :P
He is an absolute star and I wouldn't even want to imagine what things would be like had we not met, because he changed everything for me. He really did.

Today was a long day, mastering my computer skills. Haha. I am now a total tech ninga!! it's true. Adverage wheather. But never the less. I have been smiling all day, again. I woke up to the voice of my gorgous boyfriend and had a relaxing day in. I miss him a little though and can't wait until he get's back from his trip :)

Will be absolutley heartbreaking to say good bye to him this time in 3 weeks! less than this infact. Uni is a big step for him, and I am so proud of him. But I am going to miss him something rotten. It is going to be absolutle heart breaking. I love him. I really do. x
August 18th, 2010 at 09:27pm