Contest Second Place

I'm Bigger
She is a great writer, and this is one of my favorite stories of hers. Enjoy!
"I was a Player when I was little, now I'm bigger"

Her Summary:
Justin was a jock, he played ice hockey, soccer, and ran-long distance. But his crush, she is a normal girl, Adrianna, but he thought she was the prettiest and the smartest, just the best. They had been friends back in Grade School, but once he became a 'Popular Jock' guy in Junior High, they just stopped hanging out.

Adriana had always had a crush on him, even though she didn't know it. Every time he would shake his hair she would blush. In Junior high she was pretty devastated when he left to go be with the other jocks, and popular people. She hung around her friends, but never quite got over the fact that they were great friends, and he left her for them.

4 Chapters
August 19th, 2010 at 01:53am