I hope some of you actually read my journals,cuz this is kind of important.

I haven't written anything since the last chapter I've posted.I have no inspiration or thoughts for this story right now,and I don't really know when I will.the story is still completely active,but updates will be less often,probably every few days.i'm starting school the 26th,so after that updates will be even less frequent than that,maybe weekly.I also feel like this story is getting worse and worse [as in the ways of my writing and the plot] and i lost 2 subscribers,so I'm pretty sure it is getting worse,and that makes me not want to write anything at all.I probably will write soon,but I'm pretty unmotivated right now,and really bummed out because of my loss of subscribers,but I will try to update as soon as possible.I'd also like to thank everyone who's commented and subscribed(and didn't unsubscribe -_-) or even just took the time to read Scream To Be Heard,it really means a lot to me that people care about and actually enjoy what I write.so thank you,very,very much.
August 19th, 2010 at 07:41am