Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World&Comment Swap.

So, I saw that movie the day it came out.
I have to say it was probably the most epic thing, I've ever seen.
I have such a love or Michael Cera it's completely ridiculous.
I would probably go lesbian for Ramon Flowers if she was a real person. ;D
The comics were great, and the movie did justice to it.
I officially want a gay roommate like Wallace Wells, only because he so wins.
Besides Inception, this was a one the best movies of the summer. <3

Comment Swap~

I'd greatly appreciates more comments on, Nothing Left Now.
If you've already read that, I'll just read your stuff, cause I want more things to read. :3

1. Have you seen Scott Pilgrim?
2. Best Movie of the summer?
3. Comment Swap? :3
August 20th, 2010 at 12:22am