Blood and College

So it’s my second day of college, and it was great- minus the stupid parking. Other than that I like my schedule. Three classes, fifteen units. Two are English classes and the third is Spa Technician Training. Fun all around. I’ve been meeting some pretty cool people so I look forward to the rest of the semester.
Other than that, today I nearly lost the tip of my middle finger. I tried picking up an air conditioner and, the genius that I am, let it slip. It scraped my leg and landed on my toe and for a few minutes I didn’t realize that my finger hurt until I felt it drip. Seriously, blood everywhere, dripping down my hand and wrist and onto the grass- it was fascinating until it started to sting like a you-know-what. I have like five individual slices (I know this is gross, sorry squeamish people) on the pad of my finger, which by the way is about the most sensitive part of your body. And I could smell nothing but iron for a couple hours. Not fun. But I took some Motrin and it stopped hurting not long after. But I am still curious to see what it looks like now. I bet it’s gnarly.
Well when it comes to writing I’m a bit zapped. I’m being lazy again and planning lots of fan fictions but original writings I guess you can say are on hold. I truly am awful at updating. I jusgt get so bored with them :[
Anyways! That’s all for tonight, I’ll probably upload something tomorrow or this weekend.

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.
Jessamyn West
August 20th, 2010 at 08:22am