I think my house is haunted?

Haha, well, I'm pretty sure it is. Ever since the day I moved in - about a year ago - a lot of stuff has been happening.

The first couple days when we moved in, I would hear little stuff; the medicine cabinet slamming closed (and I know, for sure, that's what it was because metal against metal make a very distinct sound) and other things, like taps on the well, etc.

For awhile, nothing happened on my side of the house. On my parents side, on the other hand, was going crazy. My mother claims that every single night she hears things in her bathroom. And I mean, things falling down constantly. Now, the only experience I've had near their side of their house was in her bedroom - not even four feet away from the bathroom. I was watching Pretty Little Liars a couple weeks ago on her bed when I heard a very muffled growl.

It. Scared. The. Crap. Out. Of. Me. One, because we have no animals in the house. And two, because looking up at the TV screen, I see no animal. One thing's for sure, is that the bathroom does not look inviting. I've never once gone in there for more than a minute.

Now, before that, on my side, during the school year I was getting very thin scratches on my legs. I know I know, I could just be scratching myself in my sleep. But no, that's not what these scratches were... these were thinner-than-paper scratches, always in patches consisting of three or four cuts. And whenever I wake up, they would already be scabbed.

I couldn't think of I got them.

And now, a year later, the scratches have stopped. But as of this week, the activity has increased. The night before yesterday, I was home alone while my parents were out. I walk into the kitchen to find the back door wide open with the porch light off. Confused, I call my dad and ask him if he's been out there before they left. He, of course, says no. I was freaked, so I closed and locked the door.

When my parents came back, I told my dad and mom more about the door. That's when my father explains to me, in detail, about how he saw a shadow either walk across the back door inside, or outside. So, I thought that was a little... weird.

The next day, yesterday, I was watching TV with my sister and the garage door just opens... We thought that was very... strange as well.

And then not just five minutes ago... the baby formula was knocked down from the pantry.

Ahhh, some say I should move, especially my friends who've also had experience. But, for some reason, I really don't want to.These ghosts - or whatever they are - kind of makes my house... exciting. Thrilling.

Anybody else every had a ghost experience? I, myself, am a firm believer. Tell me some stories. :)
August 21st, 2010 at 09:15pm