Does anyone want to do a collaboration writing with me?

I know this is a short entry, but I don't have time to write a lot, seeing that I have an appointment soon, but I wanted to know if someone would be interested in writing a story with me about a girl going to a new school and being introduced to the wrong crowd. I'm thinking of the story having 2 POV's, from a character named Eden Raine Murphy and a boy named Brett Creski (Beware I may change his name). The story is about this girl, Raine losing her virginity with the quarter back of the football team at some party her cousin had and making mistakes as she thinks she has everything set in her life. Brett Creski is the popular jock. Average grades, gets a lot of attention, football, soccer, swim team. Everyone thinks he has it all. He uses girls because he has been treated like crap every since he was a child. His mom and him are close, but his dad used to molest him when he was young arounds 3-10. He doesn't want to be a disturbed child and so he hides his feelings, but Raine is different than all the girls he has used and slept with. She is innocent and young and fragile. He tries to make her have sex with him more, but she says she doesn't want to make another mistake and that causes him to abuse her emotionally, physically, and sexually.

So, if you are interested, either comment on my profile, or comment on this entry or you can email me @

Hope this sounds interesting to you!
August 22nd, 2010 at 01:27am