I need a little help, after a great night, and it's ALMOST MY BIRFDAI!!

I’m watching Quantum Of Solace, for the third time this week. I began on Thursday, only catching the first thirty minutes, continued last night, and now I’m watching the last twenty minutes or so. I have like the world’s worst memory, and my mind gets fuzzy if I stay in bed past ten. So I’m a little confused. Why is he trying to kill that Green guy, and the man who dies in the building in the middle of the desert? Oh, and at the very end, with that other dude in the leather jacket, where he asks his girlfriend about her necklace; what’s that all about? The basic plot line would be helpful, too. The only other time I’ve seen it is at the cinema. Could anyone please explain to ol’ Ben? XD

A have a lot of respect for the female protagonist. She has to be the only Bond girl not to sleep with him.

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I know a lot of people don’t like Daniel Craig as Bond, but I do. Plus, he’s pretty damn sexy. He’s not very photogenic, but on film, damn. He has a pretty sexy accent, too. It’s almost London-esque. Being from one of the worst parts in Britain for accents, I adore the London accent. Middle to higher class, I mean, not Eastenders (there should be a symbol for *shudder* on the keyboard). Like Oliver James. I don’t really fancy him, but love his voice ::yah:

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Speaking of voices, I was watching Gossip Girl today. I forgot how hot Chuck’s voice is. I was melting in my seat. I swear, they only ever cast hot people in that programme. Even the old people are gorgeous, look at Rufus! I pretty much melt over every guy on that show xD
Anyway, I’ve officially completed series two! It’s the only one I’ve seen, so far, but the series finale was perfect. I nearly cried at the ending, It was the sweetest moment I’ve ever seen on Gossip Girl. I adore Chuck and Blair, and he was so AGH at the end<3
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My family decided to have a barbecue, today. My sister, Leanne, bailed out at the last minute, probably because her boyfriend did, but Tara (my other sister) still made it. Stephen (Tara’s boyfriend, whom I’ve known since he stole my Winnie The Pooh ball at the age of three), Caroline and Richard (their best friends), came too. I love my sister’s friends, but I’m so quiet and reserved around them. It’s a little awkward, because I never seem to say the right thing. They were making pretty rude jokes, tonight, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. I don’t know if my parents would mind me doing that. They’re not like crazy strict parents or anything, they’re awesome, but I have this whole innocent reputation. It’s not totally a lie. I’ve never had sex, or gotten close, and if somebody touched my ass or rack (for reasons beyond me) I’d jump on their backs’ and hit them with something ceramic, yelling “DOUCHEBAG!”. Okay, maybe not that drastic, but I’d burn them verbally, and maybe a punch in the nose. A bit off track there. I just like a little harmless innuendo or jokes, sometimes. Plus, I know a few things that they don’t know I do, so I’d like to keep that a secret.

They probably wouldn’t mind, as long as I’m not screwing a guy, or letting someone feel me up. I made some pretty nasty threats to my ex about what would happen if he even tried to touch me, and the next guy I manage to capture (I will like this one, this time. I didn‘t really like the last one, apart from for the first three months, at most) will have the same rules. It’s just weird. The idea of laughing at sex jokes with my parents seems a little creepy, to me. I’m not exactly “I DUN LIKE BOYZ!!111”, but it seems so eww.
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Other than that little dilemma, I had a great night. I love those guys, I really do. They’re so funny, and full of life. Twenty five is the age to be. I love Caroline, she’s so ditsy and fussy. We have the same ideas about men. Both of us want someone good looking, and not too keen. It’s desperate and creeps me out.
The other day, she was telling my sister and I about her date with a guy she met in Cornwall, whilst her and my sister were staying with Tenchy, another friend. He’s one of Tenchy’s friends, Edward, though she calls him Jedward. So Caroline and Jedward really hit it off one of the nights. He was really sweet to the girls, a nice guy, alright on the eyes, they had a good time. Now, Caroline is a fickle as they come (something else we share in common xD), and woke the next morning not liking him as much. Coincidentally, Jedward was visiting a friend in a town near where we live, and could visit her on the following Friday. They met for drinks, and he stopped at the house where she’s renting a room from a woman she met on a course. He was really trying to get her to take it to the next level, which she really didn’t want to happen. He was so eager, I would have ran away. When he had to leave, the next morning, she used the excuse that he lived six hours away in Newquay, to which he replies that he’s “moving closer, about an hour’s drive away”. I know, she should have ended it, but we all make mistakes, and Caroline didn’t have the heart to tell him no. She’s a little worried that Tenchy’s going to be mad if his friend moves to be closer, then she dumps him. Gah. I do love Caroline, she’s just great<3

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Richard is great, too. He likes the ladies, and is a bit of a charmer, from what I’ve heard. Fresh from a trip to Ibiza, he was cracking jokes and generally funny comments all night. He’s just one of those people that everyone likes.

My mom got this huge compatibility book out, and tested them. Apparently, Caroline likes intellectuals who keep up with current events, and is always up for a chase, also creative in the bedroom. Apparently, there was more about how creative she is, but I blocked it out. Richard is “sweetly sensual”, and they’d make a good team, relying heavily on their “ardent passion” in the bedroom. My sister has been trying to set them up for years, on-and-off; tonight is was on. I have to admit, they have chemistry, and though they could work, it’s not worth the risk.

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Sorry if this journal dragged on a little, I feel boring, recently. Do you guys ever feel boring? It’s like every word I say, or type, I’m scared of sounding dull.

It’s my birthday on Tuesday, but I’m in London for most of the day, and can’t be bothered to type up a journal between about 8-10 AM. Instead, I’m doing it tomorrow, as an alternative option. Expect love, people!

I love my Samwise, and my Arthur :D
Want to see what I’m getting from Tara?

So, yeah, send me love tomorrow. Though I will be checking Mibba on my phone at points throughout the day. I picked my own birthday card from my best friend. I saw it whilst we were shopping, and was like “I WANT THAT ONE!”, so he got it for me. I told him either Belle or Cinderella, so I have Belle. I feel like a five year old for having it, I’m loving it! Seriously, I have a terrible case of Peter Pan syndrome. The only cure is seeing my sister and her friends, and thinking of all the hot, older men I can date in a few years time. Psht, if they’ll have me, and are indeed hot.

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I need a new theme, any ideas? A movie, a TV show, anything!

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OH! It's three minutes past twelve.
Have a merry Benny-Birthday-eve, Mibba :D
August 23rd, 2010 at 01:04am