A Daughter's Hidden Pain for the Love of Her Father

Okay, today I watched The Last Song. Now I don't care for Miley Cyrus but I have to say that was one of the best movies I have ever seen.

It made me think of my dad. You see he's been away for awhile now and i haven't seen him. I don't see him for years at a time. For the past couple of years all we have done is argue. What about I don't even remember. I hated it. I pretended to hate him. But I didn't. I love him and that will never go away. Recently we talked about our arguments and we are working them out currently.

The point of this is that I miss my dad and this movie made me think about how I love my dad and how he's been away for a long time and i just want to hug him and never let him go. I want to cry onto his shoulder and talked to him about stuff.

Since I was little he wasn't around for long. But when your young, your naive so i didn't really know what was going on. Now that i am older I realize that, My parents got divorced when I was three. Ever since I see my dad every couple of years. He just isn't around and I understand that he can't be, its just that I would like him to be. I would like him to be here to yell at me and to tell me to stay away from boys.

This is the longest I have ever been away from him. It's a little over three years since I have seen him. I just wish I could run to him whenever I want to to talk about stuff but I can't because he's across the world working for the retarded government.

You see my dad is in Dubai or Saudi Arabia, somewere over there and he assures me that he is safe from the war and he's far enough away. Yet I worry that one day I'm going to get a phone call saying that he got bombed or shot or something. I know that's bad of me but I worry about him and I miss him and I jsut don't know how to functions really.

I feel like I need both of my parents right now and my step parents just aren't them. It's not the same. I just want my dad to come home.

The Last Song makes me think of may dad because of what she had to do with her father and how she pushed him away and then he was taken away from her. I just don't want that to happen with my dad. I don't want him to be taken away from me so sudden.

I just want my papi back.
August 23rd, 2010 at 02:11am