OCT 11, 2009, 1:34 a.m.

I was just wonder if I'm wrong because I don't want to kiss someone or mess around with them until I get to know that person? Am I wrong for not wanting to date just for looks and that I actually look towards personality as more of a deciding factor when choosing a person to be with? Is it bad that I don't want to be with someone who doesn't treat themselves with respect and just lets anyone do anything with them? Am I wrong?
Do I need to change who I am and how I see people? Should I stop looking for a serious relationship and just have "fun". Tell me, will it do my heart good to let others defile me and take away who I am and what I believe? What am I to do in moments like these when it seems I will never find the girl who feels the same and can make my heart full? Tell me, am I wrong?
August 23rd, 2010 at 02:33am