Does this bug anyone else?

Is it just me, or does is it really irksome when someone tells you you look dorky?

I mean, yeah, it's not the worst insult out there, but it's still kind of hurtful, especially when people say it spitefully.

Whatever, on to other things.

My life is kind of just mundane right now... But this coming weekend I'm working at a school car wash thing, so I guess that's something.

In other news, I kind of hate facebook... All these people I try to avoid/hate in real life seem inclined to add me. If you don't like me, why do you wanna be my friend on a social networking site?

Anyways, yeah.

What's going on in your lives right now, Mibbians? I feel so disconnected from you guys because I never post in the journal section anymore.
August 23rd, 2010 at 03:36am