Oceans In Savannah

So i chose a prompt from my english assignment that had me pick an aspect of myself (physical, personality, spiritual, etc) and to write three paragraphs about it using it as a symbol, exagerating it, making into a story yadda yadda yadda. So i tried a couple times and didnt like where it was going and sat at my computer all confuzzled. Then i rememeber when i almost drowned in the ocean as a child when our sail boat got caught in a sudden storm. So, i went with it.
i love it. i didnt know where i was headed with it but its poetic and pretty and a great sample of my writing. i honestly can't wait to see what my professor thinks (she's pretty cool, too). I will post it right here and as a 'story'; not thats it's story worthy but whatever its a piece of writing...

I stand where the water meets the shore and watch grey skies blend in with a grey horizon. The ocean pulls at my feet; it wants to pull me into the sea, to take me back. The ocean will always take you back. I was caught in a storm on a sail boat and almost drowned; the sea wanted to hold me in its embrace and carry me away. It was the sea that sang, not the siren. Wind and rain and waves lashed at my hands as I gripped the rail; terrified and small, I cried. The men failed to reach me, I guess they were too afraid to save a child and instead gave in to screams of the ocean storm. My mother was the one who pulled me into her embrace and carried me away. The sea tossed our vessel and pulled at us so as to take us back. Desire and want pulls at my ankles buried in the wet sand.
A goddess sprang from the foam of the sea; I think this in my mind as I watch the frothy white spume flow around me. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, which seems appropriate. The ocean is probably the most powerful, immense, and unpredictable force of nature. It is also timeless and filled with life; it is the cradle of existence. We were all one cell in the sea in the beginning.
We all have oceans in our hearts. Whether we need to cross them, to explore them, to preserve them, or to survive them is unique to every individual. We are called back to the sea with every new endeavor life sets before us. If you fight it, all you would do was thrash around and drown, but if you were to accept it and simply lie on your back and stare at the stars or the moon, it will carry you out gently, and you will return to some place far or perhaps near. But no matter where you go, who you meet, what you do or when you do, the sea will always take you back.
The waves are a lullaby that hushes my rapid thoughts and troubled mind. It speaks to my heart as I stand with my toes in the sand, water streaming past me. It speaks to the oceans inside my heart and to the storm. My heart beats in rhythm with the waves and the storm quiets.

August 23rd, 2010 at 08:59am