What was your WORST kiss?

Everyone at some point of their lives will experience a terrifying kiss that will make them want to barf. If it hasn't happened to you yet, you've been lucky but it will happen someday, truuuuuust me. I've had two horrible kisses in the past, one of which happened a few weeks ago. It was the hands down most sickening thing and it went a little something like this.

He pretty much opened his mouth as wide as it would go, covering my entire mouth. Then he used his TEETH and clamped down around my mouth, latching on. What the F*ck is that? How does anyone get the idea into their head that attempting to gnaw off their partner's jaw is a pleasent thing to do in a kiss? I honestly can't even call it a kiss. It was more like an attack of some sort. It gets worse too. After latching on, he stuck out his tongue and jabbed it as far as he could back ond forth out of his mouth occasionally licking my teeth and around my nose and chin. The bottom half of my face was literally soaking wet when it finally ended.


It was bad. He was a nice guy too. I had no idea that a beastly kisser lurked inside that innocent exterior. Needless to say, there will never ever EVER be a next time. I don't care how nice and funny and sweet he is. None of those characteristics are worth the suffering.

Anyways, now that you've read my horror story, feel free to share some of your own worst kissing experiences :).

xx Konnie.
August 24th, 2010 at 02:57am