Impulsive Writing.

I am not the greatest writer, I know this. But, I do come up with pretty good stuff, it's just so hard to get it down on paper. I have idea's I've been working on for the past year and I still don't like the way it's going.

I'm trying to stray away from stereotypical characters and cliche` situations. I want to have relatable characters, the type you can see yourself bumping into sometime in the real world. I do often make the same female character:

She doesn't believe in love, she's quirky and sweet and totally overused. And her best friend is so into love and relationships and the main character doesn't agree with that.

It sucks, and I think it has something to do with my own experience and then the fact that I never finish any stories I start so I'm mentally bound to these characters until I finish telling their story. Maybe then I can move on and finally write some shit people will actually read.

I don't think I'm good enough to write a novel because most of what I write doesn't have a plot until the fifth chapter, so I'm taking down most of my stories and rewriting them when I find the time. They will make sense. They will be different and they will have an effing plot. I' determined I tell you.

The story I'm currently working on is :Between Friends. A story about a girl that falls for a guy over the summer break, he ends it early because he has to leave. When she returns to her hometown she finds the guy her friend has been gloating about is the same guy she had been involved with during the break.


But as for the rest of my stories, to my total three readers say good bye because they won't be back for a while. =]

Anyway, I just felt like writing a journal entry, to be honest. Shamelessly plug your stories here will you?

I'm in need of a good read.
August 24th, 2010 at 05:27am