So, I had this dream last night.

I was taking a walk, and I was naked.

I was completely content and comfortable, just being me, free, arms swining, walking to the park. I wasn't self consious. Just peaceful.
I turned around and I was walking home from the park, and a pickup pulled up next to me. The woman driving it was blond with short hair, and looked friendly. But the man sitting next to her didn't. He had a scrubby beard and a baseball cap, with lust in his eyes and anger in his face. I walked away

I was afraid now; I wasn't comfortable, I wasn't safe. I felt exposed. I went to a nearby house and knocked on the door, but to no answer. I looked in the window, and a man sat on a couch in front of the TV. But he was looking at me, with smug anger. He wasn't going to help me.
I went from house to house seeking help, only to be turned around my man after man.
They were angry at me. They didn't think I should be naked and tease thier eyes.
But I just wanted to take my walk.

And they wouldn't let me.
I couldn't be free with them.
I couldn't be myself without someone getting angry for not doing what I thought I should.

So now I keep my clothes on.
August 24th, 2010 at 11:15pm