High School First Days

Nothing has made me want to cry more! I miss my teachers, my friends, and the place in general. I've never felt more out of place... I hate the people I hate the small campus and I hate the way things are going. SJEA [old school] was a home to me I had been there since kindergarden... I want it all back!

The people here scare me and some even think I'm mean...;[ I'm not mean.... The only thing getting me through it all is my music. Any advice on it? I'm lost and I just feel like I took my old school for granted.

Who ever said high school was funny was seriously mistaken... All the classes are easy and all the people are scary quiet and pushy... I just don't feel right about this at all the sad thing is I'm crying as I write this...so shouldn't that be a red flag?

Edgewood home of the lions...the west covina pride...I think not.
August 25th, 2010 at 02:16am