Help Me... (boy issues.....)

I started to like this boy last year, we started to get really close and relaxed around each other. All year I could have sworn that he was flirting with me but one day he just up and outs "You know i don't like you like that."

It took me all summer to put my feelings back in check, and to finnaly convince myself that I was really over him. I kept telling myself it'll be over once we get back to school, i'll be back to normal soon enough. Overall I was happy that I'd cleared my head.

The first day back to school it took all of one sentance out of his mouth to pull me right back in.... hook, line, and sinker.... I fell right back under that spell of his.

The only thing running through my head now is what happened to that summerlong pep-talk I'd been giving myself about being over him???

But something is different this year, I think he's flirting, (for real this time) He's always been a shy person, but he's doing things for and with me that he normally wouldn't do... and some other stuff.

So to sum it up he acts like he likes me, he tells me he doesn't, then he acts like he likes me again..... wth???? Help Me.
August 25th, 2010 at 05:00am