Star Wars | Candy Apples | Questions

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Star Wars. Quite possibly the best movie(s) ever created. C'mon you can't deny it. But I have to admit, I only like the first three. The Phantom Menace is probably my least favorite. I just can't watch it, it bores me. And where the hell did Darth Maul come from with his double sided lightsaber ?! It's just like seriously, go wash that horrendous face paint off your face.

Jar Jar Binks has the worst lisp problem. And he worries just as much as C3PO. But C3PO is much cooler. And whenever Aniken came on I just wanted to rip that stupid braid thing out of his head. T_T

Done with nerd-rant

Candy Apples are by far one of the most delicious things I can indulge on. I mean seriously, they are so good. I don't really like caramel apples as much, but I'd take either one of them if you offered me them. xD adurr

That was pretty pointless, I just wanted to share my love for candy apples. XD Because I'M GOIN' TO THE FAIR TONIGHT!! :D Yay for living in the middle-of-nowhere-hick-town-New Jersey!

a. What's your favorite Star Wars episode?
b. Candy apples or caramel apples?
c. What in a title attracts you to a journal?

So long.
August 25th, 2010 at 06:30pm